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@when/@else conditional rules


If you worked with conditional rules like @media and @supports you might have found it cumbersome to make them work together. @when and @else can group conditions together and make them work as a single rule.

@when media(width >= 400px) and media(pointer: fine) and supports(display: flex) {
  /* A */
} @else supports(caret-color: pink) and supports(background: double-rainbow()) {
  /* B */
} @else {
  /* C */

Here’s how you would do it without @when:

Old version
@media (width >= 400px) and (pointer: fine) {
  @supports (display: flex) {
    /* A */
  @supports not (display: flex) {
    @supports (caret-color: pink) and (background: double-rainbow()) {
      /* B */
    @supports not ((caret-color: pink) and (background: double-rainbow())) {
      /* C */
@media not ((width >= 400px) and (pointer: fine)) {
  @supports (caret-color: pink) and (background: double-rainbow()) {
    /* B */
  @supports not ((caret-color: pink) and (background: double-rainbow())) {
    /* C */

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Relative colors