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text-box-trim CSS property


When you style text, you are never sure how much space vertical space it will take. That’s because fonts reserve some extra whitespace on the top and bottom of a glyph. Adding the space reserved for the line-height complicates it even further.

text-box-trim is a CSS property that allows you to trim the extra space on the top and bottom of the text.

text-box-trim trimming the text’s height via

You can use it like this:

h1 {
  text-box-trim: both;
  text-box-edge: cap alphabetic;

The text-box-edge property allows one to specify which edges should be trimmed. See the links below for a list of possible values.

You get this effect, making it easier to manage vertical space:

Trimmed text on the left and untrimmed on the right

This new property will make it easier to align text in buttons or next to icons too.

@property: CSS variables on steroids
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